Vilnius Business College gives an opportunity for students to study and do internships in foreign higher education institutions, businesses or organizations under the ERASMUS + program. The aim of this program is to give students even more academic and practical knowledge and to improve their knowledge of foreign languages.
Encouraged to participate in the Erasmus + mobility program, we aim to introduce students to the disciplines of universities in other European countries and provide an opportunity to get to know the cultures of other countries. Studying and practicing abroad will give everyone a lot of life and academic experience, study independence and even more self-confidence. Scholarships are awarded for one- or two-semester studies for internships abroad. Students have the opportunity to study in English, Russian and Spanish.
The Vilnius College of Business has been awarded the Erasmus+ Higher Education Charter (ECHE), which confirms the Erasmus + objectives.
The aim of the Erasmus + program is to promote the international mobility of students, to provide students with the opportunity to do internships in foreign companies, to gain linguistic and cultural experience and to get acquainted with the experience of European countries in the field of study disciplines.
Those of you traveling under the Erasmus+ program, we recommend visiting this page to find all the necessary mental assistance for your upcoming journey – https://costabex.eu
Any questions? We would like to invite you to consult with our Institutional Erasmus+ coordinator!
All VVK full-time students and graduates (also within one year after graduation) can participate in the Erasmus + program:
- Duration of mobility: for studies from 3 to 12 months, for internships from 2 to 12 months. (total period not longer than 12 months).
- Selection of students for studies or internships is carried out twice a year: in autumn semester (October-November), spring semester (March-April).
- Students are selected for graduate internships before the end of the study period in spring and it can be done in 12 months.
- After graduation Information about the announced competitions is provided on the VVK website and sent to all students by e-mail.
Selection participants are evaluated according to the following criteria:
- learning outcomes;
- foreign language;
- skills motivation to study or do an internship abroad;
- study or internship program of the host institution;
- active participation in college community activities;
- priority is given to 2nd and 3rd year students and students participating in Erasmus + program for the first time.
What’s next?
- The selection is carried out by a selection commission formed by the VVK;
- Upon winning the competition, the student is awarded an Erasmus + scholarship, which partially covers the costs of travel and living abroad;
- Students are also eligible to participate in the Erasmus + program with zero scholarship;
- All selected participants in Erasmus + study and placement mobility must assess their language skills online at OLS before exchange and at the end of the mobility period.
Rates for scholarships for the mobility of higher education students from the Program countries:
Group of Countries: | Host Country: | Amount per month, EUR |
1 group | Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Lichtenstein, Norway | 520 |
2 group | Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal | 500 |
3 group | Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic , Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia , Turkey, Serbia | 450 |
Fixed amounts set by the National Agency are set for the whole duration of the mobility project.
For the students practice mobility: an additional EUR 180 / month.
For the mobility of students from disadvantaged groups (excluding those with special needs): an additional EUR 200 / month. Students from disadvantaged groups who do an internship are entitled to an additional amount for study mobility instead of an additional amount for internships, if the additional amount for internships is lower.
Students wishing to participate in the Erasmus + program are invited to get acquainted with the Erasmus+ programme regulations, Vilnius Business College student mobility procedure, required documents and etc.
Academic Partner | Erasmus Code | Matching Study Programmes | Website Link |
Croatia | |||
University of Zagreb | HR ZAGREB01 | Travel/Tourism, Business Management/Administration | www.aspira.hr |
Cyprus | |||
University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 | Business Management and Marketing, Languages | www.unic.ac.cy |
Intercollege | CY NICOSIA26 | Beauty and Wellness | https://www.intercollege.ac.cy/ |
Czech Republic | |||
Vyšší odborná škola, Střední průmyslová škola a Obchodní akademie, Čáslav | CZ EASLAV01 | Business Management and Marketing | https://sps-caslav.cz/ |
Denmark | |||
Lillebaelt Academy of Professional Higher Education | DK ODENSE21 | Business and Administration | https://www.ucl.dk/international |
Estonia | |||
University of Tartu | EE TARTU02 | Languages | https://ut.ee/en |
Finland | |||
LAB University of Applied Sciences |
Business and Administration |
https://www.lab.fi/en |
HAMK University of Applied Sciences | SF HAMEENL09 | Business and Administration | https://www.hamk.fi/?lang=en |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences | SF VANTAA06 | Business and Administration | https://www.laurea.fi/en/ |
Germany | |||
BSP Business School Berlin | D POTSDAM04 | Business and Administration | https://www.businessschool-berlin.de/ |
Karlshochschule International University | D KARLSRU08 | Business Management and Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality | https://karlshochschule.de/en/ |
Greece | |||
University of the Peloponnese | G KALAMAT01 | Information and Communication Technologies | https://www.uop.gr/en/ |
Netherlands | |||
Stenden University of Applied Sciences | NL LEEUWAR03 | Languages, IT, Business and Administration | https://www.nhlstenden.com/ |
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences | NL ZWOLLE01 | Business and Administration | https://www.windesheim.com/ |
Italy | |||
University of Suor Orsola Benincasa | I NAPOLI01 | Business and Administration | https://www.unisob.na.it/ |
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro |
Moro I BARI01 | Business Management and Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality |
https://www.uniba.it |
Latvia | |||
Information Systems Management Institute – ISMA | LV RIGA32 | IT, Business and Administration | https://www.isma.lv/en/ |
University College of Economics and Culture | LV RIGA33 | Languages, IT, Business and Administration | www.eka.edu.lv |
Turiba University | LV RIGA09 | Business and Administration | https://www.turiba.lv/en |
Alberta College in Riga | LV RIGA45 | Languages, IT, Business and Administration | https://www.alberta-koledza.lv/?lng=eng |
Poland | |||
Warsaw School of Computer Science | PL WARSZAW53 | IT | https://wscs.eu/ |
Kashubian-Pomeranian University of Applied Sciences in Wejherowo | PL GDANSK15 | Business management | https://kpsw.pl/ |
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow | PL RZESZOW03 | Travel, Tourism and leisure, Transport services | https://en.uitm.edu.eu/ |
University of Social and Medical Sciences in Lublin | PL LUBLIN10 | Beauty and wellness | https://www.wsns.lublin.pl/student/erasmus/92-about-university |
University of Economy in Bydgoszcz | PL BYDGOSZ06 | Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management, Logistics, Accountancy, Financial Management | http://eurostudies.pl/home.1.html |
Tischner European University | PL KRAKOW20 | Languages, Business and Administration | https://wse.krakow.pl/en/teu/ |
Karkonosze College in Jelenia Gora | PL JELENIA01 | Languages, IT | http://kans.pl/en |
Stefan Batory Academy of Applied Sciences | PL SKIERNI02 | Management and Administration, IT | www.ansb.pl |
Collegium Civitas | PL WARSZAW35 | Languages, IT, Business and Administration | https://civitas.edu.pl/en/ |
Portugal | |||
Polytechnic Institute of Maia | P MAIA01 | IT | https://www.ipmaia.pt/en |
Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave | P ARCOZEL01 | Business and Administration, IT, Travel, Tourism and Leisure | http://www.ipca.pt |
Romania | |||
University Babes-Bolyai | RO CLUJNAP01 | IT, Business and Administration | https://www.ubbcluj.ro/en/ |
Slovenia | |||
Murska Sobota School of Economics | SI MU-SOB01 | Languages | https://www.vss-ms.si/ |
Spain | |||
Escola Universitaria Formatic Barna | E BARCELO102 | Tourism, Business and Marketing | https://www.formaticbarcelona.com/ |
Mondragon University | E MODRAG01 | Business and Marketing | https://www.mondragon.edu |
University of Vigo | E VIGO01 | Business and Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality | https://www.uvigo.gal/en |
University of Oviedo Computer Science Faculty / Economics Faculty | E OVIEDO01 | Business and Administration, Information and Communication Technologies | https://www.uniovi.es/en/inicio |
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | E BARCELO45 | Languages Business management | https://www.uoc.edu/en |
Universidad Complutense Madrid | E MADRID03 | Business Management & marketing Game Development Programming and Internet Technologies | https://www.ucm.es/programas-europeos |
Turkey | |||
Adnan Menderes University | TR AYDIN01 | Tourism | http://www.adu.edu.tr/en/ |
Akdeniz University | TR AKDENIZ01 | Business, Tourism | https://eng.akdeniz.edu.tr/ |
Ankara Science University | TR ANKARA29 | Business management Programming & internet technologies | https://ankarabilim.edu.tr/en/index |
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University | TR OSMANIY01 | Business and Administration | http://www.osmaniye.edu.tr/ |
Beykoz University | TR ISTANBU58 | Digital Game Design/Communication Design, Business Management and Marketing | https://www.beykoz.edu.tr/ |
Istanbul Medeniyet University | TR ISTANBU48 | Languages | https://medeniyet.edu.tr/en |