Quality -



Vilnius Business College is an open, innovative and competitive higher education institution, cherishing its principles and values, having international recognition.

To provide professional and personal development opportunities to each student by:

  • Being flexible in balancing high quality studies and innovative study methods that meet business demands;
  • Cultivating sustainable development and life-long learning ideas.

Through realizing our vision and guided by that College vision we cherish values, with help of which we create exceptional inner communicative and collaborative learning culture as well as environment. It‘s not just words, it‘s the foundation of our activities:

  • Respect for everyone is our value, from which productive and creative cooperation and communication starts. We believe that by respecting one another we will create creativity, initiative and sustainability-based environment.
  • Attention to everyone – to words, work, ideas, feelings. We are always ready to listen, advise, encourage and help
  • Openness to new ideas and challenges – we are flexible, brave, curious and original, ever searching for new possibilities to unfold.
  • Collaboration – we appreciate everyone‘s personal contribution, lead an active mutual dialogue, foster responsible team work.
  • Transparency in the College is equality of persons, unbiased decision-making, objectivity of assessment, clarity of relations, rights and obligations.

We believe that Vilnius Business College vision will become a reality in our activities through applying the following principles:

  • To the student – personal attention, understanding and dialogue, high level informational and technological provision for studies;
  • To the employee – recognition of personal significance, conditions for developing competence and initiative, raising qualification, tolerance of personal values and compatibility with institutional aims;
  • To the employer – a specialist who is qualified, enterprising, ethical, able to make decisions independently.

In order to purposefully realize the Mission and every day get closer to our Vision implementation we are helped by the Strategic Plan, wherein strategic aims of our activity are enumerated:

  1. Seeking Leadership in Creating Exceptional Learning Experiences and Environments
  2. Increasing the International Recognition of Study Results
  3. Increasing Regional Impact Through Outsourced Project and Applied Research Activities
  4. Building Organisational Resilience

Strategic aims help us make everyday jobs meaningful and let us realize our Mission having in mind that we are there for you and beside you, and we understand that you and us are growing and learning together.

How successful are we? Are our activities and principles right? Do we correctly comprehend our Mission and carry it out well enough? All these questions can be best answered by international experts who objectively and comprehensively evaluate every higher education institution.


In 2022 November 22-24th, Vilnius Business College was evaluated by external experts.

The Quality Evaluation Center for Studies decided to accredit Vilnius Business College for a term of 3 years.


Conclusions of the external evaluation of Vilnius Business College;

Operational enhancement action plan;

Progress Report on the implementation of the recommendations of the external review of Vilnius Business College;

Meeting with the experts of the study quality assessment center is planned for the assessment of progress November 18th, 2024 at 2 p.m.  Vilnius Business College progress report evaluation agenda


In 2014 performance of our College was evaluated by the experts and the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. Based on their decision, Vilnius Business College has been accredited for the maximum period of 6 years.

Activity Report 2021

Activity Report 2022

Activity Report 2023

The external evaluation and accreditation of fields of study shall be carried out in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania No.V-835 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for External Evaluation and Accreditation of Studies, Evaluation Areas and Indicators” (approved in a new wording by the Order of the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania No.V-1535 of 20 December 2019) (hereinafter – the Description).

Prior to the commencement of the external evaluation of fields of study, all fields of study conducted by higher education institutions shall be considered accredited until they have been evaluated and accredited in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Regulations. External evaluation shall be carried out at least once every 7 years.

Study Programme Code Number Study Field Conclusion of the Evaluation
Business Management and Marketing 653N11006 Business VVK_Verslo vadyba ir marketingas_2015


Logistic Business 653N18007 Business https://s3.emokykla.lt/skvc/SMPKR/228e5fb7-41bc-4f87-8bd5-a9bfab29c542.pdf


Digital Business 6531LX124 Business https://s3.emokykla.lt/skvc/SMPKR/08607b15-1112-4ed8-b30e-ebe826bd8afe.pdf


Beauty and Wellness Business 6531LX136 Business https://www.kolegija.lt/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/VVK-verslo-studiju-krypties-vertinimo-isvadu-israsas-ir-vertimas-i-lietuviu-k..pdf
Business Development and Entrepreneurship 6531LX137 Business https://www.kolegija.lt/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/VVK-verslo-studiju-krypties-vertinimo-isvadu-israsas-ir-vertimas-i-lietuviu-k..pdf
Game Development 653I13004  Informatics VBC_Media_and_Computer_Games_Prof.BA_2016
Programming and Internet technologies 6531BX037 Informatics VVK_Programavimas ir internetinės technologijos
English Language for International Communication 6531NX001 Language studies VVK_Anglu kalba ir tarptautine komunikacija
Tourism and Leisure 653N80009 Tourism and Leisure https://www.kolegija.lt/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Turizmas_ir_renginiai_isvados.pdf
Programming for Fintech 6531BX042 Programmes system


International Hospitality Management 6531LX125 Management https://www.kolegija.lt/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/VVK_Tarptautinio-svetingumo-vadyba.pdf

Plan for external evaluation of study fields at Vilnius Business College:

Study Field Submitting a Self-Assessment Quarter of Evaluation
Informatics Evaluation valid till 2030-06-01
Business Studies Evaluation valid till 2030-01-17


Company information

Vilnius Business College Company code 191807983