VBC Students Would Like to Invite You to Donate for an Animal Shelter -

VBC Students Would Like to Invite You to Donate for an Animal Shelter

Every day, more and more animals are thrown out on the streets. Most of them find an new temporary home place – animal shelters.

But shelters find it difficult to fully provide good living conditions for the animals, so the first year students of Vilnius Business College “Team Academy” are organising help for these animals who are being abused by heartless people.

We would like to invite the whole community of Vilnius Business College to join this idea of helping animals.

The donation box can be found in the lobby of the college (Kalvarijų str. 129).

What can be left in the donation box? 

  • Quality dry food for dogs and cats
  • Toys
  • Disposable glove
  • Garbage bags

The donation box will remain open until 9th of January.

Help animals feel needed again!



Company information

Vilnius Business College Company code 191807983