Sustainable tourism in capitals, towns, regions and countries -

Sustainable tourism in capitals, towns, regions and countries

The main topic – to examine and present sustainable tourism in the project partner countries.

Project participants – Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia.

Project number – 2022-1-SI01-KA131-HED-000057573-1

Vilnius Business College students, together with partners from other countries, prepared presentations about the possibilities of sustainable tourism in their countries during virtual meetings, which they presented during live contact, answered the audience’s questions, and tried to offer ways to expand and popularize sustainable tourism.

During the live meeting, the project participants went to different tourist areas/companies, where they learned about the work being done or intended to be done to promote organic tourism (chocolate factory, pumpkin seed oil press, observation tower of the Lendava region, baking of national bread, etc.).

Lecturers and specialists working in the fields of environmental protection and tourism gave lectures to the participants (about the importance of watersheds for wildlife and the fight against climate change, the importance of beavers for ecosystems, etc.).

Good practices were exchanged, countries’ progress, advantages and obstacles of sustainable tourism were compared.

The result of the meeting is a video about sustainable tourism in each of the participating countries.



Company information

Vilnius Business College Company code 191807983