Edvin Zuzanov: “College greatly motivates me to learn”
“I think that if had enrolled into a university right after high school, I wouldn’t have as much motivation to learn and to study as I do now,” – says Edvin Zuzanov. The third year student of English and International Communication told us what helps him to stay motivated, what is his impression on studies so far and what thoughts had he encounter while starting the last year in our college.
When learning is interesting, motivation only grows
Motivation is one of the main topics that a lot of attention is paid to in Vilnius Business Collage. Desire to learn and to act varies depending on personal qualities, busyness or exceptional situations, such as time-consuming online learning. Once the conversation with Edvin Zuzanov started, it became clear that motivation to learn and to pursue his goals is like an everlasting fire that can’t be put out by any external difficulties. How did Edvin manage to turn his motivation into a source of attentiveness that encourages him to take everything that his studies and teachers provide?
“I quickly realized that Vilnius Business College is my place to be. My studies gave me everything I expected. Teachers here are great; subjects are interesting, and students are friendly. Lectures encourage me to search for different ways of improvement as well as different ways of discovery and comprehension of new knowledge. So far everything sits well with me. After all, when I finished school, I was certain that my place was at a university,” – E. Zuzanov says openly.
Studying is easier, if you continually try
Previously on our blog the student has shared what impact Vilnius Business College had on his first year of studies. He admits to follow the words of his English phonetics teacher: “She told us that although studying might be easy in the beginning, it is important to continuously put in effort because you might not notice how less talented but constantly striving students will outrun you. That’s what I do. Even if I understand everything well and even if a certain subject is easy I still put in a lot of effort.
English and International Communication students says that in the last two years he has realized that a lot depends on attitude, internal motivation and the ability to learn. “If you are lazy for a while, later it gets very difficult to catch up. If you concentrate at the very beginning of your studies and try to understand everything, learning becomes easier and the desire to be lazy decreases,” – E. Zuzanov shares his personal discoveries.
He already knows – he wants to continue studying
This summer Edvin did an internship at a creative placemaking assosiation “Miesto kvartalas”, founded by a designer Julia Janus with a goal of reviving the vitality of the Old Town and to adorn the streets of Stiklių, Gaono, Savičiaus and Universiteto with light art installations. During the three months of being a communication specialist, the student has successfully applied the knowledge acquired in the fields of English and communication. (ant „anglų k. ir tarptautinė komunikacija“ dėti šią nuorodą https://www.kolegija.lt/studiju_programos/anglu-kalba-ir-tarptautine-komunikacija/). “I am glad that during my internship English nicely merged with international communication. In the future I’d like to find a job where both areas could merge,” – the student shared his internship experience.
When asked what thoughts and emotions he has encountered in the last year of studies at Vilnius Business College, E. Zuzanov admitted that he is looking forward to studying again and learning something interesting. At the same time, it is a crucial year for important decisions: “I have a lot to think about this year. I want to study further, so I need to decide which direction to choose. It would be good to find a job this year too, so I hope I succeed.”
College – a wonderful start that helps you find your way
The student says his approach to English, which is much more complex than he previously thought, has changed and it led to a new approach to learning and improving. He realized that he is not able to learn everything, so he needed to take interest in certain topics himself by reading books or searching for information on the Internet. Then the knowledge acquired independently, and the knowledge received from the teachers merges and the competence grows. “I’m starting my third year of studies realizing that college is a wonderful start where I can discover the path that will lead me to further sensations in life. Today I am once again thinking about the future, the various possible alternatives, about what I want and what still awaits me,” says the third-year student.
When asked what advice he could give to future freshmen, Edvin says it is very important not to rush and to think carefully about which study program to choose. That is much more important than the usual doubt between choosing college or university. “I have a lot of acquaintances who in the middle of their studies realized that they had chosen the wrong study program. Some others succumbed to their parents’ opinion on what to study. Therefore, it is much more important to learn more about the study programs and to try to find out what is going on inside the educational institution rather than making a choice based on prejudice,” notes E. Zuzanov.